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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Not-An-Emblem: And So It Ends

In case you haven't noticed, I haven't updated this space in a while. I warned you that my life was getting crazy, although even I had no idea just how crazy it was going to get. Since making that post, I've spent two weeks working on the other side of the world, got put in charge of a new project at work, and found myself with some new responsibilities at home that I wasn't expecting. And thus I found myself needing to let go of some things which were taking up time in my life that I couldn't afford to lose, and this was an easy thing to let go. As much as I've enjoyed giving back to the gaming community which has given so much to me over the years, this is the end of the road for me and this little emblem blog experiment.

It's a shame that this had to end so quickly, but such is life.

I'll leave the blog around as an archive, but I won't be tending to it anymore. For those interested, feel free to steal these emblems and re-post them elsewhere. I only ask that you link back here when you do (so that the work put into this site doesn't go to waste).

Good hunting!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Not-An-Emblem: Why I Deleted A Post

Let's get something out of the way. I don't use the Black Ops emblem editor to make most of the emblems you see here. Instead, I use an online PC tool that uses imagines imported from the PC version of Black Ops. Why do I do this? Because the tool is more feature-rich than the editor shipped with Black Ops. I can specify exactly what size I want a layer, exactly how many degrees I want to rotate it; etc. I don't have to fiddle with thumbsticks; I can more quickly get my vision onto the screen and play around with it.

99% of the time, the emblems I make in this tool will translate directly into the Black Ops emblem editor with no problem, and I try to double-check my work as much as possible. But occasionally one will slip by where the in-game editor handles the scaling of a particular layer in a subtely different way than the PC tool, making the emblem look different in the game that it does on my computer. I recently deleted my "Meat Boy & Bandage Girl" post for this very reason; when recreated in-game, the emblem didn't look right. And for that I apologize.

Cartoon Eye #3