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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cartoon Eye #2

The second in my series of eye emblems...

Layer 1: Circle, white (eye highlight)
Layer 2: Circle, black (pupil)
Layer 3: Wotsit, pink (burst of color behind pupil)
Layer 4: Cartoon grin, black (top border of eye; note that it's very large and mostly clips off the top and right side of the canvas space)
Layer 5: Thin rectangle, black (extends the top border of the eye and goes off the left side of the canvas)
Layer 6: Cartoon grin, black (bottom border of eye)
Layer 7: Curved line, black (left border of eye)
Layer 8: Circle, red (main portion of iris)
Layer 9: Circle, dark red (slightly larger than layer 8; makes a border around it)
Layer 10: Medium oval, white (makes the left portion of the eye white)
Layer 11: Thin triangle, white (extends mostly out the right side of the canvas; makes the right half of the eye white)

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